Why The Bahamas

Why The Bahamas

The Clear Choice

An independent nation since 1973, The Commonwealth of The Bahamas is among the eldest, most stable democracies in the Western Hemisphere, boasting in excess of 280+ years of undistrubed parliamentary democracy. The ideal location of The Bahamas makes it extremely convenient, as it is in the same time zone as both New York and Miami, therefore optimally positioned to be an epicentre of business and investment activities for those looking to function in and nearby the Americas.

The legacy of financial services in The Bahamas is a rich history of more than 80 years to date. Currently, the sector directly and indirectly provides up to 36% of the Gross Domestic Product. The Bahamas is renowned for its financial services industry in large part because of its inclusive and diverse financial products built on a robust legislature. There are a plethera of professional entities and consultants locally, with specialized education and experience in wealth management, banking and corporate services. The sheer innovativeness and flexibility of the industry is demonstrable by its track record of creating relevant and timely new financial and corporate products without delay, which can be tailored to the bespoke realties of various customers and markets. Examples of such products include but are not limited to: the SMART Fund investment vehicles; the Investment Condominium (ICON), and the Bahamas Executive Entity. Clients from abroad may look to The Bahamas to navigate away from political risks seen globally, with pose threats to their wellbeing, wealth and estate planning, Corporate offices with an international focus and businesses generally find economic sensibility and stability within The Bahamas on account of:

  • A Favourable Tax Environment - There is no income, inheritance, estate or capital gains taxes, and no restrictions on funds being repatriated.
  • Inheritance Benefits - There are not forced heirship laws and regulations for assets that have been domiciled
  • Impressive Rankings - Boasting a top rank as a nation of civil freedoms and policital rights by The World Bank
  • Epicenter of Financial Activity - A whopping third of the world's most renowned 100 banks are estimated to be located within The Bahamas, making it highly integrated and conveninently linked to internation capital markets and commerce.